Sunday, March 22, 2009

Secret of the Seeds...

"Secret of the Seeds..."

Gardening and Meditation

Lately, we cleared some time for various occupations.
Among others, we cultivated the land and arranged a little garden in our new home.
We find a special uniqueness in garden works.
For us, it is a wonderful opportunity to re-connect with mother nature,
physical activity in the winter sun,
an opportunity for a good meditation and as always,
a chance to learn a lesson or two from nature.

A 2000 years old Palm Tree.

Around 30 years ago, an archeology team found on mount Massada some 2000 years old palm seeds. There was an amazing surprise when a seed that was planted in 2005, sprouted as a live "dinosaur" palm tree.
The unique structure of the palm seed, combined with the special climate conditions of the Judea desert, enabled those seeds to survive and maintain their liveliness for thousands of years.
But this - is an especially rare case.
Usually, things do not follow the same course.

Now and then...

We kept at home a very large box with hundreds of Blue Lupine seeds.
We laboriously collected these seeds three years ago.
We really love the Blue Lupine - large plants which grow as tall as 4-5 feet,
with a beautiful luminous blue inflorescence. We had years where the entire garden was covered with blue flowers - a marvelous view.

In each seed, there lies a delicate embryo, wrapped in a layer of rich, nourishing material.
Distilled, concentrated energy of life, rests in a few cells, waiting for a chance,
waiting for conditions of light and humidity to signal them to draw more and more of the amazing energy of life, which will enable them to begin the processes of utilizing the nourishing layer. To germinate a tiny root into mother earth and one or two green leafs, absorbing sunlight.
It is a magical and glorious process - seed turning into plant.

This energy of life has a special quality,
it does not wait forever!
Every seed has a limited life span, after which its germinating potential reduces and diminishes.
Generally, embryos in larger, heavier, richer seeds, have a much shorter life span.
The Blue Lupine seeds are very large and rich in nourishment, so their life span is one year only.

But we were not ready to give up.
We planted the Lupine seeds in a special section of the garden and prayed.
Every morning we would get out and check if the seeds have germinated.
After 3-4 weeks we realized that we're not going to see any Lupines this year.
We dug in the ground and found to our dismay, that the seeds have softened, but have not germinated. They rotted and were worm-eaten. At least the worms seemed to enjoy.
We were disappointed, although we knew the odds in advance.
The exceptional energy of life have gone, moved to another place.

"A great deal..."

Jim Rohn says smiling:

God cuts a great deal with us.
He says: It's a very complicated task, growing a tree.
So her'es the deal.
I will take care of all the complicated processes,
I will grow the trunk and roots and leaves and flowers.
You - just plant the sed in the ground and water it.

Really cool deal. We only have the easier part to do.
Still, as you may read,
not even that is done in a timely fashion.

The allegory to life is vast. It can be utilized everywhere.

Health comes first.

Think for instance, on our health.
The human body is a remarkable, complex machine.
We are born with this magnificent complexity and take it for granted.
Here, it is the same consideration as with the seed.
We need to invest so little, relatively speaking, to maintain our health,
and so many of us stumble even with this little.
We eat junk food, sleep too little, not enough exercising...
We drink, we smoke, we ruthlessly work our body until collapsed.
Here too, precisely as with the seeds, should we wait to long,
there are cumulative damages which are hard or impossible to fix.
We must plant the health seeds in our "ground" a moment earlier.
We should never wait.

...and a bit prosperity would not hurt...

Regarding material prosperity it works (or fails :-) the same.
How many times have you thought of a great, ingenious idea,
but for many reasons you haven't done a thing about it.
After some time you saw your idea realized by someone else,
as a product on the shelve, a book, an idea, a show...

"Money likes speed" says Joe Vitale,
one of the maker of "The Secret".
If you want to achieve something and you have an idea - act immediately!!! Don't wait.
Don't leave your box of seeds on the shelve.
Here too - there is a creative life energy.
Here too - like the little seed hidden in the ground,
we have the ability to attract to us, by the power of our thought, will, emotions,
more and more of the creative energy and it grows larger,
until it enables us to fulfill the idea and turn it into a reality.

Wisdom of Life

To end, we would like to bring a quote from "Everyday Tao" by Ming-dao Deng,
expressing the Tao attitude toward the seed, which symbolizes the whole above all.

"There is an entire plant in the seed,
An entire human is in the egg.
Every living entity in the world comes from a seed,
and every living entity dies and falls onto the ground.
Bodies rot to nourish the soil and release the seed.
This is the real re-birth...

The seed is all we want to know.
The seed is the center.
The seed is the source
and the source is the entire Tao."

We invite you to examine the shelves of your soul,
to identify, perhaps, some boxes of wisdom, love, development,
waiting so long for you to plant them.
Run off now, to your garden of life and plant,
before their expiry date.

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