Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Surprise, Surprise, Surprise!!! Our secret recipe...

Here's something on the light ans tasty side of life :-)

We sent a while ago on Twitter a Tweet:

"Get yourself a bread maker! Start Ur day with a sense of abundance&prosperity as the scent of freshly baked bread spreads around."

Indeed, that great scent of fresh bread gets us into the right mood when we wake up in the morning, just before getting up, in those moments when we plan our being for the day and our doing for the day.
It really re-connects us with the wonderful sense of abundance and prosperity.

Tantra has a wonderful way of dealing with our senses. It regards making total use of our senses as a means of attaining enlightenment. When one practices this total sense, the smell of warm bread gets a whole different meaning.
Tantric eating is also part of this. Eating very slowly, sensually, using all your senses to smell and taste and also to follow the trace which is left by the food as it travels down-south to the stomach - it turns a meal into a celebration of living.
Now, what more can you ask for when you wish to create a great reality of prosperity?

Some time ago, our bread maker broke down. For three weeks we remained hungry at the end of a meal, even though we had 2-3 pieces of commercial whole-wheat bread.

So here it comes!!!
Well, it really is no big secret, only our small token of appreciation and gratitude to all of you.

Recipe for an amazing whole-grain bread with our bread maker.

(We have a Murphy Richards bread maker, so quantities may need adjustment for other brands).
[the measure of cup/spoon/teaspoon are of the utensils provided with the breadmaker].

If you bake overnight - add materials following this order:

3 1/2 spoons brown sugar
2 teaspoons salt
3 spoons of pure cold-pressed high quality olive oil
2 full cups water
Float in layers:
1 cup white flour
1 cup Rye flour
1 1/2 cups whole-grain flour
1 cup oatmeal
1/3 cup ground flax (not essential, bonus :)
1/2 cup wheat bran
1 spoon (approx) of commercial baking improver
(this is an all natural additive, so no problem... and it helps a lot).

We use fresh, live yeast, but any type will do.
Experiment with quantities. We use about a 1/4" thick slice of fresh yeast.
Leave on a longer baking program in medium browning level.

Hey, we hope you enjoy and if you did - drop us a line and tell us.

Light, Joy, Abundance and Love,

Ben & Efrat.

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