Thursday, June 4, 2009

Ruth of Moab - A True Princes.

We recently celebrated the holiday of "Savuot" in Israel.
This is to commemorate the receiving of the Torah on mount Sinai.
It is the custom to read the scroll of Ruth, the great grandmother of king David.
In the story, we found some beautiful aspects, which are worth sharing...

(for those of you who are not familiar with the original story, note that we twisted some stuff for the sake of humor. Here's a fine opportunity to open the Bible)

The recession

The days are days of recession.
The Hi-Tech collapses, people are being laid-off in thousands.
This one guy from Bethlehem, and he was a prosperous one, left the country.
He, with the wife and two kids pack their suitcases and move to reside in Moab.
(Hey guys, we're not talking of Moab Utah, this is Moab next to Canaan :-)

The story is so familiar, but it folds within some amazing human aspects.

The couple, probably were not experts in positive thinking and creating one's reality, if they gave their boys the names Mahalon and Kilyon (In Hebrew, "Mahala" means sickness and "Klaya" means perishing).
Thought creates reality, so tells the story, and the man, Elimelech, returns equipment to the quartermaster and dies.
Soon afterward, Mahalon and Kilyon follow his footpath and die too, not without leaving behind two young widows.

The Drama Begins

So the widowed wife, Naomi, reads in the Financial Times that the recession in Canaan has ended and abundance have returned.
Wow, after more than 10 years abroad and deserving the legal rights of a returning citizen, it's worth going back home.
Here, beloved readers, begins the real human drama.
Imagine yourselves a princess (yes, a true one, daughter of the king of Edom) in that sort of a situation.
Her Father-in-law has gone. Her husband and Brother-in-law croaked.
Now, her elderly Mother-in-law returns to a foreign, unfamiliar country.
Think of the situation - Broke and penny-less, perhaps without a language, she follows the footsteps of her Mother-in-law through fire and water, not giving up, despite Naomi's resentment.
This is the prime of self leadership, of decisiveness.
A True Love.

Proactivity and Positive Thinking

Nothing will stop Ruth.
In contrast with Naomi's whining (who says to people "Don't call me Naomi [meaning pleasant], Call me Mara [meaning bitter]),
Ruth decides to avoid being victimized.
She chooses Proactivity, Positive thinking and creativity, thinking outside of the box.
One has to make a leaving. Right?

It is harvest time.
"By chance", she goes collecting sheaves of wheat, in the field of the richest guy around.
She also avoids gathering with the other poor fella's in the crowded locations of the field corner and forgotten piles (these are left behind for the poor).
She only collects the fallen sheaves, after the harvesters, visibly sticking out...
She chooses a successful marketing strategy.

Boaz, the field owner, obviously shows interest.
Quick search through Google and he already learns about the remarkable story.
The tribe of Ruth receives immunity :-)
With the immunity, Ruth brings back home to Naomi half a sack of wheat.
Not bad for one day of collecting.

Sometimes, a neat trick is what's needed

Now, the old lady's deviousness shows up.
She realizes that she and Boaz are friends in Facebook and quickly sorts things out.
Short email from close associates reveals that there's work tonight at the granary.
Ruth is being sent for an image change.
Quick shower, some scented oil of Ben and Efrat, an airy light new skirt from Dolce & Gabbana...
Off she goes, to the granary.

Real Tantrika, she is. Not being aggressive, but with devotion. Silently, secretly lays besides Boaz, just letting him feel her energy.
Breaths with him in circular breathing.
In the middle of the night, Boaz wakes up in terror, but a conversation develops.
Ruth gently hints, that if he will arrange things, she will say "Yes".
After all, princess or no princess?

...and a few bucks in the pocket never hurt as well...

Sophie Tucker once said "I've been rich and I've been poor; Believe me, honey, rich is better."
Boaz shows, that having some dough surely helps.
He purchases the late Elimelech's lands and the lands of his two dead sons and - he also buys Ruth.
(and he wasn't even in the MLM business...)
Quickly booking an expensive kitsch wedding hall and getting married.
It doesn't take long for kind David's grandfather to be born...

...and now seriously

Laughing's great, but we see here a story of genuine self leadership of the highest rank.

Ruth have amazingly proved, that when one is being Proactive, uses positive thinking, courage, persistence, wisdom and resourcefulness - everything is possible!!!

It matters not if you are strangers, broke and penny-less, have no language or social class.
If you are truly determined and conduct with faith, trust and confidence, if you see success in your mind's eye, nothing will stop it.

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